Can Deep Joy and Deep Peace in Jesus Be for even Me?

What does it mean to rejoice always (Phil 4 v. 4)? And how to keep this peace of God who keeps our thoughts in Jesus (Phil 4 v. 7)? Are we intentional about what we allow to roam through our mind? Are we also intentional about what comes out of our mouths? These questions are dealt with in La joie profonde et la paix profonde en Jésus — est-ce pour moi ? (Philippiens 4v4-9).

You might choose to peek at how Web Translator, render this article into English : French-language article Joie profonde et paix profonde en Jésus processed through Web Translator.

Daniel Garneau
March 2, 2021
Reviewed using Antidote, May 10, 2021.
Edited: October 26, 2023.


Editor’s note: This summary was produced with the help of Google Translate.